Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

The best 5 breakfast recipes for kids

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, through which we get the energy we need to start the morning on the right foot. Eating a rich, healthy and nutritious breakfast is essential to face the whole day with strength, energy and even a good mood.

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

Starting the day with a good breakfast is important for adults, but especially for girls and boys; as they are growing up, in fact, there is a need for the right nutritional energy to face the full days between school, homework, sports and games with friends in the best possible way. Skipping breakfast or eating little can cause lack of energy and concentration during the day, phenomena that can go so far as to impair a child's growth.

Educating children about a healthy, varied and balanced diet is important from the earliest years of life. Transmitting the rules of proper nutrition to young children, which improves children's nutrition by offering varied and balanced breakfasts to pupils who arrive at school fasting.

But what is the right way to start the day and get our girls and boys energized?

Our 5 tips for the ideal breakfast for boys and girls

1. Bread and jam

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

One of the most classic and healthy breakfasts consists of bread with jam, a perfect combination that balances both taste and energy. The bread can be replaced by rusks, and sometimes, you can also add a layer of butter, to make it even tastier. Ideal accompaniment is a nice juice or a glass of milk at room temperature or warm (depending on the season).

2. Milk and cereal

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

Another idea for a healthy and complete breakfast can be milk with cereal. From plain ones to those with cocoa or fruit, children really like cereals and are a good alternative to cookies, which are often more caloric and high in sugar. Depending on the child's taste, cow's milk can be alternated with vegetable milk, such as oat, rice or almond milk, which are perfect especially in case of lactose intolerance.

3. Yogurt and fruit

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

Especially in summer, a fresh, complete and also very quick breakfast to prepare consists of yogurt with fruit. The child can choose the fruit he or she prefers and combine it with white yogurt or fruit: a tasty and nutritious breakfast will come out. For an even more delicious and creative meal, you can add a natural sweetener such as maple syrup or honey to the yogurt and, why not, a teaspoon of cereal or dark chocolate chips!

4. Scrambled eggs

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

The egg is a nutritious food rich in vitamins and protein, easily digested and perfect for eating at the start of the day. It is no coincidence that it is one of the most popular breakfast foods, especially abroad. The ideal way to serve it for breakfast is "scrambled" in a pan, preferably cooked without fatty elements such as butter. The perfect pairing to enjoy it is with toast and a glass of fresh fruit juice.

5. Savory toast

Perfect breakfast ideas for kids
Perfect breakfast ideas for kids

For children who prefer savory to sweet, we recommend breakfast toast, preferably made with plain, whole-grain bread and low-fat cheeses and meats, such as ham. A pairing with flakes can be a fruit juice or, even better, freshly made orange juice, without added sugar.

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