The perfect breakfast to speed up your metabolism

The healthy breakfast to boost your metabolism

How to speed up metabolism and easily get back into shape? The first step is definitely a healthy breakfast that gives us the right energy to face the day without weighing us down.

How to speed up your metabolism
The perfect breakfast to speed up your metabolism

Breakfast that speeds up metabolism

Stress, work, worries, are all factors that contribute to a rising waistline, especially if due to daily commitments you have little time to devote to physical activity. But a solution to give our sluggish metabolism a wake-up call is there, and it is to start with a breakfast that helps us make our metabolism faster.

Breakfast, as we have learned by now, is one of the basic meals of the day and should never be skipped, just as one should never limit oneself to drinking a simple coffee when one is already practically on the doorstep. In fact, if we do not give breakfast the proper attention, we will suffer for at least the entire first half of the day. What happens to our stomach when we prolong the night fast? Very simple: at first there is a chance that we will not feel hungry, but in subsequent meals we will tend to eat more and eat more fatty foods. Moreover, the fact that the stomach gets used to prolonged fasting tends to slow down the metabolism. This is precisely why a good breakfast can have an active metabolism function.

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Instead, by eating the right breakfast we will achieve a double result: we will prolong satiety and we can speed up metabolism. What should we eat first thing in the morning? We start with a nice glass of water at room temperature, which will help us cleanse the body. In the water we can also squeeze a few drops of lemon juice or add apple cider vinegar, a substance with antioxidant properties. Remember that antioxidants can also help increase the efficiency of metabolism.

As a hot drink, we can make a delicious bancha tea or green tea. Bancha tea is really good for speeding up metabolism, not to mention that it is tasty and very light because it contains little theine. Now we come to the substance of breakfast: what to eat? A slice of toasted whole-wheat bread with some jam is ideal to fill up on energy and not weigh us down, but low-fat yogurt with cereal can also be a tasty alternative-it all depends on our tastes.

Hearty breakfast and metabolism

We often wonder whether eating a hearty breakfast is counterproductive, or on the contrary can become a good habit. First we need to understand what is meant by "hearty" second then we need to remember that everyone has different needs.

A particularly hearty breakfast may make particular sense if you do a lot of physical activity, or if you feel you need a lot of energy during the morning. You will certainly have to adjust your calorie intake for snacks accordingly, but also for lunch.

In this sense it may be fine to have a savory breakfast, of which you can find several examples in our dedicated special. Generally it is up to us to try and carefully observe how our body reacts, and how we feel better. If we then want to find an even more accurate solution, it is appropriate to refer the matter to a specialist dietician or nutritionist.

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